eSpace internship exam

Today (17th May 2016) I had my exam for software internship position at eSpace company. Despite what a colleague told me about his exam yesterday “It had strange questions asking about strange technical terms”, I decided to attend the exam, to just have the experience even if I would not be hired by the company.

Company Office

The first impression about the company office was nice. I’ve only been to 2 tech companies here in Egypt (espace and baderIT). ESpace has a relatively wide open area for employees desks and a nice meeting room (where the exam were held). However I noticed something strange, the company door was closed and we had to ring the bell to get in.

Exam Structure

It was a paper based exam for one hour. You should choose 3 out of 7 topics : System Structure, Security, DataBases, Web Development, Mobile Development, Open-Source & Linux and Algorithms & DataStructures. Most of them are covered by courses we study in our 3rd year at our faculty. However, I chose the topics I feel most familiar with: web, linux and algorithms.

Web Development Part

There were 3 questions:

  1. What happens in web browser after you enter an address into it?

  2. How does Google search work? and why is it fast?

  3. What is Internet Of Things? give examples.

Open Source and Linux Part

There were 3 questions:

  1. What is fork bomb?

  2. You are stuck at a desert island and you have to choose 5 command-line utilities to live with, what would you choose?

  3. Explain how the linux boot works as much detailed as possible starting from pressing the power button.

Algorithms and Datastructure Part

There were 2 questions:

  1. What is dead lock? and how to avoid it?

  2. How to detect a loop in a linked-list?

Not to mention: this is my copy of the exam. There were different copies of it with different combinations of questions.

Well, I was not able to answer the majority of the questions. However my next posts may be about my searching results about questions I couldn’t answer.

That’s it for now.