Kill 'em all! [bash script]
Kill all child processes in the sub-tree rooted at a given parent process
I spent 2 hours yesterday searching for a quick way to kill a parent process and all its children and grand-children processes, i.e the whole process sub-tree rooted at the process. To my surprise, I couldn’t find a straight forward way to achieve this.
Killing The Parent
Child processes are not necessarily killed when the parent is killed. In my case, the direct child processes were killed after killing the parent. However, grand-children processes were not killed and were adopted by the init process. Killing child processes depends whether the parent process propagates the killing signal received to its children or not.
Using Group PID GPID
One elegant way I found on Stack Over Flow was this nice command:
kill -- -$(ps -o pgid= $PID | grep -o '[0-9]*')
It first finds the id GPID
of the process group that the given pid belongs to. Then, it
sends the default TERM
signal to all the processes within that group GPID
. Nice, short and
clean, isn’t it? However, it didn’t work for me.
I was calling this command from a bash script to kill a background process it creates earlier, the
bash script had the same GPID
as that process. So it ended up killing itself not only the process
This command doesn’t only kill the child processes but also kills the parent processes if they belong to the same group.
Ugly But Working
Eventually, I came across this 10 years old post. The guy introduced a long script that finds all the direct children processes of the given PID
s then their children and
so on, till no further processes found. Then kills all the found PID
s. It worked like a charm!
I tweaked the script a little bit, I used grep
instead of precgrep
and made other minor changes.
The script can be found below:
I also added an alias for it to make it easy to call from anywhere after that. I added this
line to ~/.bashrc
alias killem="bash ~/killem.sh"