Kill 'em all! [bash script]

Kill all child processes in the sub-tree rooted at a given parent process

I spent 2 hours yesterday searching for a quick way to kill a parent process and all its children and grand-children processes, i.e the whole process sub-tree rooted at the process. To my surprise, I...

Sending spam emails to github users [python script]

Yesterday I received this e-mail. When I first saw the subject, I thought yay! finally my ultimately powerful github profile attracted an employer attention :’D . Then, I realized that it was just a scam...

Linux boot process in a nutshell

In my last post about espace exam, I mentioned a question about linux boot process. It was one of the questions that I couldn’t answer then, so I watched many videos and read articles...

eSpace internship exam

Today (17th May 2016) I had my exam for software internship position at eSpace company. Despite what a colleague told me about his exam yesterday “It had strange...